Friday, June 30, 2006

A Team Effort

All of you would have heard of IQ and EQ right? What about AQ?

I’ve mentioned several times about being a climber. This term was coined by Paul Stoltz in his Adversity Quotient (AQ) theory which studies how people respond to events in life, especially in times of stress. In his theory, he said we are all quitters, campers or climbers.

Quitters are people with low AQ who despair and give up easily whenever they are challenged in their lives. Campers are people who will climb to a certain height in life, decide they do not want anymore challenges and set up camp there. Climbers are optimistic people who will keep scaling new heights in life, never giving up even though they have failed many times over.

80% of people are campers, according to Stoltz. The rest are quitters and climbers. So what are you? I believe all of you here are high AQ climbers like me. We all face setbacks and failures in life but we pick ourselves up, recuperate from our injuries and resume with our climb each time, right? We may envision to scale different peaks but we would never give up on our aspirations and aims in life because we are all positive thinkers.

I am sure many of you have seen quitters in your life. Even among the rich and famous we see them. Why? Because these people fail to realise that the expedition in life requires a team effort.

No matter how strong we think we are, emotionally or physically, there will always be moments when we will stumble and fall, get hurt so badly, we have difficulty getting up by ourselves. At times like these, if someone happens to be there to lend a hand, to help us up, do grab hold of that hand to pull yourself up.

We are all in this expedition together. I may be a beacon to some of you now, shedding some light on your path, to help you see certain parts of your route better. But I too will need you to shine the light on my path at some point in time of my life.

Do allow me to shelter you from the scorching sun or the thunder storm out there and do offer me the much need drink when you see me being dehydrated. Most importantly, don’t ever give up on youself because I will never leave you behind, no matter how tough the expedition is.

We are a high AQ team, right?


At 6/30/2006 10:56 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

我想..我覺得..我應該是quitter..但我試著讓自己成為你climber team的一員囉..

At 6/30/2006 10:57 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 6/30/2006 11:43 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, you kept your promise tonight.

glad to see our chatting topics written into your blog. Cool.

At 7/03/2006 5:33 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Swooshi,
Thanks so much again for always sharing uplifting thoughts. You are such a real and honest person, unlike a lot of others on the Internet who have different agenda.

I don't think I'm a quitter, because when I want something, I always try my best to get it. But I'm not sure if I'm really a climber though. But I'll definitely try to be one.


At 7/03/2006 5:51 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Swooshi,

I was reading your previous post, and came aross "when you see the buddha, kill the buddha". Not knowing much about buddhism at all, I'd love some help from you in order to understand it. Does it mean something like you have to kill the buddha so that he can be with you(in your heart and soul)forever;it's not about what you see and hear(the outside), but what lies within? Thanks.


At 7/03/2006 8:33 am, Blogger yeelee said...

dear all,
there are no quitters in this team…we take a break at times but we don't quit. expeditions in life are tough and requires perserverance. everyone will succeed one day…defnitely, definitely!

freebird, you're getting warmer
no inside no outside…
only just like this… ^_^

At 7/04/2006 10:17 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

a quitter is not me that i am sure,but maybe i am a lazer,haha
ts, next time taking me climb with you.


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