Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Two Tests

My G-plan yesterday required me to undergo two tests. I passed one but failed in another…all by choice…my own choice.

In my first test, someone whom I hardly knew made some personal comments about me on a blog. Very strange comments about me that I felt was quite amusing. Some friends of mine felt the comments were totally unnecessary and rude. When I didn’t go online until quite late last night, they got worried. LOL! They thought I was upset about those comments. No lah! I was out the whole night having a nice dinner with two friends. I will never be upset over such trivial things in life, especially when it came from some smart alec. My mind didn’t move because it was crystal clear and I could see my test very clearly. I thought I passed with flying colours…yahoooo!

In my second test of the day, I had to deal with two difficult doctors, specialists in one of our big hospitals. They were clients of my client whom was sponsoring their project. Despite all my years of dealing with difficult and demanding clients, I still get upset when I meet clients who think money can buy them the world. So I offended them and they were pissed off with me! I apologised to my client after the meeting and told her she can replace me with another designer. This client is more like a friend to me now and when we were in her car chatting away, I told her now I can understand why she’s quitting her job. She has to deal with these doctors everyday in the course of her work and they are really a pain in the ass! She said the ones I met yesterday were considered mild ones already…lol! I smiled and told her I’m glad I am poor but happy. Yeah…I really felt it that moment.

But after that meeting, I looked back and felt I failed in that test because I allowed my temper to rise…again. I was aware of my anger rising in me but I failed to manage it so I was knocked off the hill once more and have to start climbing from base camp again. Sigh…! This journey sure is tiring but don’t worry friends…I’m a good climber…I’ll keep trying and will one day conquer the peak.

I realised through these two tests yesterday that I can do anything, anything at all for my friends, my weak spot. But as far as earning a living is concerned, I’m just a complete nincompoop! I needed money for my trip but I threw away a chance to make money…could have been more diplomatic in handling that situation but my pride got the better of me. But not to worry, I will try to get more jobs…in fact, my hands are now so full, I’m getting worried how to handle so many projects at one go? ^_^…my G-plan!


At 6/21/2006 7:20 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"By saying NO to others,
You are say YES to yourself."

So it is ok to say NO and let go. If it is not yours, it will never be.

I loss some deals before (clients whom I had served but eventually bought through another agent when they return or sometimes other agent claim that the customer was theirs also) Can be a few thousand dollars loss....

So Life must be lived forward, but can only be understood backwards.

At 6/21/2006 9:45 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

just want to say glad to be friends of yours and you have our support whether you pass or fail in any test.


At 6/21/2006 10:04 pm, Blogger yeelee said...

thank you very much my dear friends
i know i sound a little depressed
yeah…well, i'm after all just a human being
but don't worry, i've bounced back!

i'm already climbing with dimwit next to me…
cottontail is ahead of me but keeps looking back to make sure i'm keeping up with her…
and yanny is cheering me on by the side…

At 6/21/2006 11:09 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

everyday, reading your posting as following your mood,up or down,and yet in every conclusion,you never forget giving us contemplation on using a positive attitude toward our life.
so nice being here with you.
i really learnt alot from your blog as i found myself changed alot,that is tender and soft and peace inside.
thx for your enlightening me.
btw, you said the "trip" is come to taiwan?
when? pls let me know to entertain you,o.k.

At 6/22/2006 11:39 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

how r u today, my friend?
i believe u 've been up to the hill,as u've said u r a good climber.

ha..but i doubt if u will still be as good as climbing a real one? so,show me next time when u come to taiwan. i 'll guide you to the mountains for sure.

At 6/22/2006 1:40 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...


how are u today??

I think you will be fine.

I failed test today too...hehe
I took a taxi to visit my client,
but the driver was lose the way...

I was wondering...
"what is guy doing??did he know shortcut??"


I was angry coz I am late!
and he ask me anything I answer very cold(氣死了!)

when I was leave his car,he said:"不要那麼多了,剛才繞了那麼多路"



At 6/22/2006 2:34 pm, Blogger yeelee said...

tacobee, we all learn from each other…
did you get my email?

dimwit, i would love to visit all the places you listed but unfortunately, this church mouse will never be able to afford it. i think it'll be easier for you to visit the lion city than for me to visit uncle sam.

wahaha, you are so right! this climber is good at climbing the hill in her mind. to actually conquer the physical mountains will be a big challenge. but i do hope i get to climb them with you if i get to visit tw.

clio, 不用擔心,已經放下了!
my goodness! are you really my twin?
my problem is i allow myself to get angry then i put myself in the other person's shoes…a bit late right? i guess that's why i'm still climbing…


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