Saturday, June 17, 2006

Have a Cuppa Everyday

I slept at around 3.30am this morning. Thank goodness my internal alarm clock did not go off at 7am to remind me to go for my jog. I got up only around 10.30am…yeah…had seven hours of sleep finally…really needed that, otherwise I will be a zombie again today.

I first thing that came to my mind this morning was…I need my caffeine! So I cycled out for my breakfast and had a cup of local or should I say Indonesian coffee. Ahhh…the aroma…I needed that.

While enjoying my coffee, I recall talking to TS yesterday about coffee. This coffee connoisseur splurges on quality South American coffee and is so serious about her coffee that she even brings her own coffee beans and grinding tool with her when she travels. LOL! I can only say Orz to this girl, 真的五體投地!She mentioned some of her favourite coffee during our chat but they sounded like Greek to me…hahaha! TS, you sure know your stuff!

Why talk about coffee today, you must be wondering. Well, I once told a friend that life is like coffee, you can choose to have it black, with sugar and even add some colour to it with some milk. Isn’t life the same? If you think your life is bitter, it will taste bitter. But if you’re smart enough to add some sugar to it, you get to enjoy both the aroma and the sweetness and it can perk you up for the day. Add some milk to it, and it would be so colourful, isn’t it so?

Why is it that some people find black coffee awful and bitter but yet others like it so much, they can’t live a day without it? Well, coffee like life, is an acquired taste. The ignorant will lament over its darkness and bitterness while the connoisseurs will enjoy its aroma as well as appreciate its richness as it keeps them alert and active for the day.

Learn to appreciate your life like coffee. There’s so much for us to choose from…there’s expresso for the strong-hearted, the trendy ones can choose to have café cappuccino, mocha and latté (not the one that sleeps in the cage…hehe!) and many more other specialty coffee.

It’s all a matter of choice, really. Learn to appreciate it…coffee or life, whatever you like to call it. My weak heart forbids me to have a double shot of expresso but I do enjoy a cup of cappuccino every now and then on top of my morning cuppa. :)


At 6/17/2006 11:45 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey Swooshi
I like this posting because I am also a coffee drinker and can relate to it. Cheers

At 6/18/2006 8:40 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

coffee tea or me?


At 6/18/2006 11:24 am, Blogger yeelee said...

my friends…coffee is an acquired taste and we all just know how to appreciate it, don't we? ^_*

At 6/18/2006 2:02 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

my favoriate taste is latte,too, it's more milk and less bitter.
though i don't drink coffee very often, its attractive aroma i like it.
do you believe i just got up,so now i got to have a cuppa for refreshment.
thnks for sharing again.

At 6/19/2006 2:57 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said Swooshi.
I like coffee, but I'm more of a tea drinker. I only drink coffee once a week or something like that.


At 6/19/2006 9:08 am, Blogger yeelee said...

tacobee likes latte? hmm…a healthy choice!

ahh…freebird was here after i went to bed
welcome, my friend!
you prefer tea? i drink tea too!
i like my english breakfast tea plain, without any sugar or milk…

a lot of people in singapore drink teh tarik (拉茶)
it's rich strong tea with lots of condensed milk
i enjoy that too!

see…it's all a matter of choice…right? ^_^

At 6/22/2006 9:10 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...



At 6/26/2006 5:32 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Swooshi,
I prefer plain green tea, very healthy, tastes good with milk too. It's definitely a matter of choice, like everything else in life.:)


At 6/28/2006 6:56 am, Blogger Jane said...

Hi Swooshi,
Something's wrong with my computer. The latest post I can see here is Have a Cuppa Everyday, no matter how many times I click the refresh button. Don't know why.



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