Friday, June 16, 2006

Our G-plan

Ok, I was supposed to write about G-plan yesterday right? I did. But I did not post it because I had written something too theoretical and probably bore all you people. So this morning, I decided to chuck it aside and rewrite, this time in my own words…

I’ve always believed that things don’t just happen in life. There is always a very good reason for everything that happens to us. They are all predestined, all pre-written in this G-plan of ours, a contract we signed before we were even conceived.

Whether we are rich or poor, healthy or sickly, black, white or yellow, these were all decided by us in our G-plan. It’s a sacred contract we signed and we have to abide by it. It wasn’t decided by others, not by some mighty being but us, our real self.

We come to this earth on a mission, to experience, to learn. We embark on this mystical journey to find the truth, our eventual enlightenment. When we attain that, only then we can go home. Because of the complication of this task, this journey of ours does not involve just one life but many, many lives and many many G-plans. Each of these G-plans are drawn up only after we have debited or credited our karma account in each life. Karma is based on the law of cause and effect and has been described as the accumulation of merits or demerits in life. But we should not see it as something negative. We are not rewarded or punished for our karma. We learn and gain wisdom through our karma.

Very often in our lives, we face challenges and obstacles. We get upset and ask ourselves, why must I experience this, why must I suffer? Because our G-plan says so. We should ask ourselves instead, why not? We face these challenging opportunities in life so that it can make us sit up and work harder to become better beings. Can you imagine life without ups and downs? How boring life would be!

Learn to accept our G-plans with a positive attitude. Only then will you be able to pass this test and find your way home. If you choose to ignore or run away from the tests in life, you will have to re-sit for the tests again in your next life. So why waste time? Face it now. Don't hide, don't avoid it, and most importantly, don't give up. Face the tests, conquer them. If you do fall and got hurt, take a little time to recuperate then re-sit for the test again. I’m sure with a positive attitude, we will all pass the tests with flying colours eventually.

I hope I will meet all of you soon at home.

ps: I really believe there is a good reason why I meet so many of you in this life. We are all connected karmically or cosmically via our G-plans. So I will regard everyone of you as my soul mate and we will help each other overcome our challenges in life, then we can all go home together. If you’re already home, do wait for me. ^_^


At 6/16/2006 1:44 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since I started this series of 'G' thingy, it's pre-destined that I be the first to leave a comment.

So it's about debits and credits, something I am very familiar with. and yes, we shall meet at home.

Very meaningful indeed.

At 6/16/2006 2:08 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Very often in our lives, we face challenges and obstacles. We get upset and ask ourselves, why must I experience this, why must I suffer?"
rem the story in your "idol" (correct?) Ajahn Brahm's book, "Who ordered this truck load of Dung?" he wrote about "why me?" :)

(2)"If you choose to ignore or run away from the tests in life, you will have to re-sit for the tests again in your next life."
erm... yes, someone told me that during the down side of my life. very cruel.

but it is true, cos once we overcome the test, it is no longer a test to us. then we don't have to re-test.

that's the cruelty of life :P

so, where is the "home"? ^^

At 6/16/2006 2:43 pm, Blogger yeelee said...

i got koan! wow!

At 6/16/2006 2:44 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yanny, you beat me to it.
swooshi, i can run but i can't hide,right?
just like my english test, i must face it and conquer it or i'll re-sit again and again in my life.
it is destined for me to accept it.
what is the next thing i must overcome it, swimming? lol

At 6/16/2006 10:08 pm, Blogger yeelee said...

if your G-plan had allowed you to join the USN, you may not have met me either. cheer up pal, life is beautiful despite the roller coaster ride!

At 6/20/2006 5:14 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi my twin...

Thank you for your advise today

At 6/20/2006 6:27 pm, Blogger yeelee said...

my dear friends and soul mates,
"obstacles do not obstruct the path
the obstacle is the path"

At 6/26/2006 5:48 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Swooshi,
Very interesting stuff. I've always been interested in Buddhism, although I'm not a believer and don't agree with everything you said there. All religions are similar in a sense, and they can help people become better human beings if we just practice it right. But I do find Buddhism's the deepest and highest. I wish I could achieve 'emptiness' and right now I'm trying to train myself not to have too many desires.
I totally agree that challenges and obstacles build character and make people stronger and more mature.


At 6/29/2006 1:24 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi yl :)

My take on things like karma, G-plan, past lives etc... is that I really dun know! I wld like to believe in them cos they wld explain certain events in my life. But ultimately, I'm not sure if those are real, or just human-created concepts to explain the vicissitudes of life.

Also, someone mentioned to me before that such concepts or ideas can make us think "Oh, this thing happened, but it's not because of me, it's due to my karma!" :)

What u think? :P

At 7/03/2006 5:12 pm, Blogger yeelee said...

all thoeries are man-created…and why do we create theories? so that we can give a logical explanation, a reason to every phenomenon.
whether karma and G-plans are real or not is not important but it does create an awareness in us to be mindful of what we do, what we think.

At 7/04/2006 1:46 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep, theories and concepts are ok. But attachment to them can 2-edged. They can be used to cultivate awareness, mindfulness, acceptance. But they can also be used to create reasons, excuses and justification.

I quote from that someone again (You really shd go for his workshops!)

"Human beings do whatever they want, then they justify" :)

At 7/04/2006 1:46 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep, theories and concepts are ok. But attachment to them can 2-edged. They can be used to cultivate awareness, mindfulness, acceptance. But they can also be used to create reasons, excuses and justification.

I quote from that someone again (You really shd go for his workshops!)

"Human beings do whatever they want, then they justify" :)


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