Monday, May 15, 2006

Kids Problems

Why is it that some boys just can’t behave themselves at all? I have been trying to knock some sense into several boys in the programme but week after week, month after month, year after year, they don’t seem to change at all. Whether I talk to them nicely, lecture them, even threaten them, they just can’t stop getting into trouble in class. They have the tendency to be rude, rebutting teachers, talking and playing with their classmates as and when they like while class is in progress. Then there are a few who insist on wearing slippers to class. I had to ask myself each time, is it really so difficult to put on shoes to come to class? Can’t understand their mentality. Basically I cannot tolerate such 目中無人 (literally, no respect for anyone in their eyes) attitude.

Sometimes after a talk, explanation or lecturing, the kids do feel remorseful, even shed tears but the moment you turn your back, they are back to their pranks again. How exasperating! As an adult, I could never allow them to carry on with such misbehaviour. If we don’t highlight to them why it’s wrong for them to behave in that manner, won’t they carry on with their negative behaviours into their adulthood and end up getting into even more serious trouble then? But how do we deal with such kids? Boys will always be boys, I know but then…

One of the autistic twins I’ve been teaching is showing obvious signs that he cannot cope with the school syllabus. He cannot remember his multiplication tables and even has problem trying to do simple addition, how then to do those problem sums at all? He is conscious of his weakness and seems embarrassed about it. He often covers up his work, not wanting others to see his mistakes. I know he is trying very hard each time to learn but the problem is the work really is beyond him. Anyone teaching him would feel sorry for him but we just have to be patient and keep being positive with the hope that he can pick up a little each time he comes to us. I am more concerned about how to explain his condition to his parents without hurting them further. Sigh!


At 5/30/2006 11:25 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...




At 7/21/2006 11:13 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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