Monday, May 01, 2006


A few days ago, while I was at the library busy translating the SF2 script, a friend whom I’ve not spoken to for weeks messaged me out of the blue these four characters 『 常思一二 』, literally translated as ‘Always Think One Two’. When I saw these words, I felt like I was being hit on my head ‘whack’! Ya, just like that!

I’ve been so muddle-headed recently, losing my focus in life, all frustrated, stressed up, depressed and worrying over too many things at one go, I forgot this teaching, I lost my sense of direction! This message arrived so timely.

I better explain a little what the phrase means. We human beings are always so troubled by many issues in our day-to-day living. We cling on to too many things and worries and as a result, fail to see things clearly and fail to act correctly. So this phrase serves to remind us to think only about one or two things close to our heart each time and put down the rest which are of less importance. We will then be able to function more effectively.

With this reminder, now I have a tough time deciding what is close at heart and what is not. Haha!


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