Sunday, April 09, 2006

My Sexual Orientation

I chose this controversial title to raise a few eyebrows! Hehehe...

We see a lot of same-sex relationships among young people today as compared to 10 years ago. It’s so common to see two girls, one butch and the other femme looking, being intimate with each other on trains, buses and in public places. I am sure these girls know clearly they are having relationships with girls. But why? Why are these girls being attracted to each other when there are so many boys around?

Some blame it on all-girl schools. Others point their fingers at dysfunctional families. Or are our young people getting too much exposure to western cultures through the internet? I wonder if parents and educators are worried about this alarming trend?

I too spent 10 years in an all-girls school environment. But during my time, girls just have crushes on their fellow schoolmates. We never saw any of those crushes developing into serious relationships then. Come to think of it, I don’t know of any gays from my girl schools!

My recent interest in gender issues and gay-theme movies such as Saving Face, Brokeback Mountain, Transamerica, The L Word etc. must have left a lot of my friends wondering if I am really a gay as well. I thought that was quite funny...hehehe. Well, my answer to all my worried! I may not be feminine but I’ve never been attracted to any girls before so don’t worry. If I’m gay, you people would have known by now...because I’m not very good at lying. But yes, I do have gay friends.

The guys around me so far are not my type. I know the next question you people will like to ask is “What’s my type?” I've once told some friends I'm looking for an intellectual Ah Beng but I've yet to meet one. Hmmm...I think now I kind of like Thai men...they seem polite, gentle and more caring then Singaporean men...Oops! Have I offended my own countrymen? Sorry guys! Just my personal opinion and I may be wrong! I'm probably wrong!

I think being in a straight relationship is already so stressful. To go into a gay relationship in our conservative asian society is like asking for twice the suffering. Nope, no thanks. Not when I’m on a journey to find my true self. But personally, I feel there's no right or wrong in a same-sex relationship. If the two persons are soulmates and can find happiness together...I'll give them my blessings.

Go read Mystic Wannabe’s post on relationships he extracted from ‘Conversations with God’, then you’ll understand my thinking on relationships better.

By the way, I’ve recently got to know more gays and bisexual friends through the internet. And they are all very nice people, like you and me!


At 4/14/2006 7:58 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thx for ur understanding and supporting us, gay, lesbian. I love and appreciate to have tur blessing.

Double stress, dimwit

At 4/15/2006 12:04 am, Blogger yeelee said...


ya...the slope is steep for u but i believe u're a good climber. u'll grit ur teeth and get to the peak. hang in there!

At 4/15/2006 2:38 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was not in all-girls school.
I have healthy, beloved family.
I am not a internet geek and my eastern culture is deep in me.

So why, tell me why, i can not answer it myself hahah. Just be myself.

Ur dimwit

At 4/15/2006 2:47 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh, i just think abt this. I could blame on the favor of male kid from most of asian family.
One big taboo. Damn it

Ur cute dimwit, ha

At 4/16/2006 12:11 am, Blogger yeelee said...

like i right, no wrong. only don't know.


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