Saturday, April 08, 2006

Be Careful What You Say in Front of Kids

I was in Chinatown having dinner with friends again tonight. While we were eating, we overheard a couple arguing over where they should sit. They had two pre-school kids with them. The husband wanted to sit at the table next to ours while the wife, who looked like a Chinese national, wanted to sit over at another table. The husband said crudely to the wife she could sit anywhere she wanted while he was going to stay put. The wife then disappeared for a long while. The kids then became impatient and kept asking their dad where their mum had gone. This ridiculous father actually told the two kids, ”I don’t know where mummy is. Maybe she’s got a boyfriend!”

Can you believe that? What rubbish was this father uttering to his own kids? This man must have very low self-esteem and really fear his wife eloping with another man in order to say such things to his kids! Well, his wife was actually quite young and pretty looking while he had this ‘come-slap-me face!’

Parents...please be careful with what you say in front of your kids. Children today are just picking up too much of these inappropriate adult lingo. My nieces included!

Need to shower and go to bed soon...gotta wake up early tomorrow to go jogging! Gee..I smell like 煮炒!


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