Friday, April 14, 2006

Catching Up with My Buddies

I had dinner with my two RGS buddies again last night. I must apologise to them for being an hour late for the appointment. But I told them in advance I was going to be late as it’s rude to keep people waiting. So they had coffee and some apple crumble while waiting for me.

When I got there, my friend asked if I was late because I was busy at work or I was busy chatting online again. Well, I said both. I’ve been communicating with some friends on MSN a bit often recently and yes, my work got a little affected. I told them I’ve been lending my ears (or should I say my eyes, since it’s MSN messenger!) to someone troubled by a relationship. If I can be of help to anyone, I’ll try my best to help. Sometimes when we’re deep within a situation, we can’t see things clearly so to have someone seeing and analysing from the outside, the picture becomes clearer. Well, I do what I can to help and I think I'm being appreciated.

Anyway, what a great time we had last night, talking and sharing about our childhood days we never knew about. I shared about my childhood days in Tanglin Halt. I was always with my brothers and a couple other male cousins roaming the estate. We would do crazy things like placing big long nails on the railway track and collecting them hours later after they have been flattened by the train. The flattened nails looked like mini swords! Cool! Please be careful at the railway tracks if you want to try it out as well! :)

I also mentioned we used to chip in money to buy cigarettes then hide in some big drains to smoke. Yes I did! We were just curious kids then, wanting to know why adults smoke and what it feels like to smoke. I’m glad I didn’t get hooked but two of my brothers did. And I’m really against smoking now! So unhealthy! I can’t stand all that smoke and smell! Yaks!

I remember another crazy thing we did was during the seventh month, we went round collecting those candles people placed on the ground, but only those that were blown out by the wind. Must have been insane to do that right? Well, what can I say, the innocence of kids. of these two buddies will be returning again to Holland soon. I’m sure she’s going to miss us. Well, I gotta work hard to earn enough so that I can visit her in Europe! Anyone got a job opening, please let me know!

Ok, I have to go shower now and get to the office. Yes, it’s a public holiday today, I know! I gotta work because of my chatting and blogging! I just came back from my 4.2km jog, all sweaty and blogged straight away! Am I hooked on this? What do you think?

Pictures! We want to see pictures! Some of you must be shouting out there. Ok, here are some childhood pictures. Don’t blink. Me in skirt, permed hair. Yes!


At 4/14/2006 4:19 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi swooshi, it is really nice to meet u. Thx to taking ur time to knock on my dimwit head, hehe

At 4/14/2006 11:58 pm, Blogger yeelee said...


Zen teachers will hit u with a stick! hahaha...
i dun use stick but i always say to my students, “Wake up now! or I'll knock u on the head!”

u knock me on the head too when i nd waking up!


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