Thursday, February 19, 2009

The joy of chatting with kids

Nowadays, my nieces chat with me on MSN. Although I know it’s not appropriate for them to be indulging in instant messaging at such a young age, I try to put it to good use by advocating that they must spell correctly and write grammatical English when chatting with me.

Below is a recent conversation I had with my older niece. She was asking me about my MSN message that day which was “to live, to love, to learn, to leave a legacy”

Niece: what legacy do you want to leave behind?

Me: hmmmmm

Niece: your teaching?

Me: will leave all my books and chewing gums for you

Niece: haha

Me: hehehe. plus all my socks…ok?

Niece: you still have chewing gum? no, not your socks!

Me: hahahahaha. my socks are branded

Niece: never!!!!!!! and not the books. i hate studying. i will leave this for you (sends me document via msn)

Me: what's that file? (i receive document with list of chinese words)

Niece: my chinese homework that i did not copy. jade sent it to me (jade is her best friend)

Me: hmmm. why didn't you copy it in school?

Niece: no time. i forgot to leave two lines (double-line spacing), had to rewrite all the words

Me: your teacher is mad

Niece: then…ring…ring…the bell rings and it's time to go home. i only copied until no.5

Me: you dashed out of the classroom huh?

Niece: no, must say goodbye then line-up to go downstairs

Me: i still don't understand why you sent me the file. i can't write it for you. my handwriting is different from yours

Niece: i know. i just sent it to leave for you

Me: hahahahahhaa. so those words are your legacy?

Niece: yup. i want to throw them away but i can't. because jade may not send it to me again hahahahahha

Me: muahahahahaha


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