Saturday, October 04, 2008

Is someone worrying about you?

I have been worrying about someone recently. Someone close to me, someone I care. The more I thought about it, the angrier I got. Why should this mature person be making others worry? As I pondered about this, I began to I ask myself if I too have been causing other people to worry about me. I thought hard about it. I probably did in the past, when I wasn’t financially stable. But now, I don’t think so. Ok, perhaps my mum still does worry about me. Which mother wouldn’t worry about a daughter who is still single and does not have a house of her own? But I believe my mum knows and can see for herself that I am living a pretty comfortable and happy life now so the worry will not be a 10 on the richter scale ^_^.

Everyone, do ponder about this as well. Are you causing someone else to worry about you? If you are, do try to do something about it. Don’t be the cause of suffering to someone else because that is definitely not our purpose in life.


At 10/06/2008 5:29 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who makes my dearie worry huh? Sometimes, worry and be worried/concerned is also a happiness of our life (sorry if my thinking is not suite yours), at least for me! Am I too stupid?
Pls don't mind about my idea, I just concern U.

At 10/06/2008 10:27 pm, Blogger yeelee said...

actually u're quite right. being worried is a form of happiness too. we worry because we care. life will be pretty meaningless if there is no one that we can care for.
u know who are the saddest people on earth? those whom others have given up trying to care for


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