Wonderful 2
How many of you have visited MINDS? Do visit any of the centres or schools in Singapore if you have the chance. I was there last Saturday with the group of young volunteers from yuying. I went without really knowing what we were going to do there.
A group of volunteers have been organising interactive activities for these intellectually less-abled at MINDS in woodlands every Saturday, some sort like a CCA. Most of the people they are helping are adults i.e. they have already completed their special education, some are even in their 40s. The volunteers address the beneficiaries as “trainees” and themselves as “teachers”. These volunteers organise activities that they hope can help the trainees interact and pick up social skills that they’ve been highly deprived of at home. I was told that most of them are cooped up at home most of the week so they really look forward to this once a week outing to the centre on Saturdays.
Everyone in my group looked a little apprehensive when we just got there, especially after we saw the trainees. I’m sure the same thought went through our minds…will the trainees go berserk and freak us out? When our contact person started pairing us with our trainee, I thought all our faces became even more grave hehehe. I was quite fortunate to get a trainee whom was easy to manage. He was all smiles and very friendly towards me. His name was Andrew but I heard him saying Angel…yes, I felt very puzzled why he kept saying Angel…but in truth, he was indeed angelic.
Though I started out a little tense, the moment we joined in a dance to the tune of Let’s Twist Again with the rest of the people, I felt more at ease. I observed what the rest of the volunteers were doing and just followed along. Before long, my trainee was enjoying himself and I was having fun too! The trainees were also taught balloon sculpting and had to draw a new year card. They then had a tea break. All these activities are aimed at helping them become more independent. For the last activity, we did the Mary Moon (I kept hearing mary moe) dance which I thought really got everyone very high. So fun! Yeah, I enjoyed it as much as the trainees.
Seeing how the young volunteers talked, cajoled, teased, loved and cared for their charges, my mind went ORZZZZ. I saw this guy holding up his trainee’s chin and pulling him back into the activities like 10 times but the smile and care he showed to the trainee never seem to fade. I really kowtow to them. Bravo people! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap!
I told a close friend recently that this world is wonderful but she didn’t seem convinced. What about the rest of you? Do you think this world is nice or is it crappy and full of suffering? Open up your senses, your eyes, your ears, your heart, surely one day you will see how amazingly wonderful this world is. But you have to take the first step. Do it, ok?
ps: Andrew came over to say bye to me before he left and I hi-5 with him. Should have given him a hug instead, right? :))
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