Monday, July 23, 2007

Trapped in my own mental conditioning

Thanks to a project that I am currently handling, I’ve been forced to put aside my usual readings and research a little on neuroscience; the human brain, the amygdala and comfort zone.

The amygdala is an almond-shaped, small little component in our brain that works like a gatekeeper shutting out change and unfamiliar situations; it confines us to our comfort zone. Researchers say that when we step out of our comfort zone, it creates fear in us. The more stress and fear we develop, the greater the amount of neurotransmitters the amygdala will release to freeze us and stop us from stepping out.

Highly successful people have been known to step out of their comfort zones routinely to achieve what they want. If we dare to go against the amygdala, it results in the release of adrenaline or epinephrine hormones that will enable us to achieve feats which have been regarded as super human effort, such as lifting a car with our bare hands! Really? Can meh? Well, some researchers say the comfort zone is just a false mental conditioning that gives us an unfounded sense of security.

You people know I’ve been wanting to make a change to my career, my life but I don’t seem to be making much progress in this. Life has not changed much in the last six months and I am still running my design business as a going concern. I’m beginning to wonder if I’ve been so used to my lifestyle and am actually happy to stay where I am. I seem to be giving myself a lot of excuses to avoid the change. Is my amygdala preventing me from stepping out of my comfort zone or my cognitive dissonance playing tricks on me?

Is there really an invisible gatekeeper turning away propositions for me to change or is this mental conditioning self-imposed? If I really want to see major changes in my life, I have to ignore the neurotransmitters and stimulate the release of my adrenaline hormones. Friends, if you do see this ostrich’s head stuck in the hole on the ground, can you kindly yank it out? Just don’t yank out my feathers as well, that can be quite painful.


At 7/24/2007 10:14 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ms How

I think I am also sticking my head in the mud. Haven't been very actively looking for the new job becos so many things need to be consider.

Right now just working day to day, sometime just dread everything that I am doing. At times feel like just resign to fate. sigh!


At 7/24/2007 1:23 pm, Blogger yeelee said...

hahaha…all of us having early mid-life crisis
i think like me, u just need to stretch your comfort zone to get out of this trap
u can still stay in the job but i suggest u take up some courses to upgrade yourself or for personal development
can consider doing some mass/visual com or web design courses…quite suitable for u

At 7/24/2007 5:59 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I am definitely not an IT person, so don't think web design is my cup of tea.

Have been thinking of taking courses but cannot decide which one. Like I always say, I don't want to throw $$ into something that I have no interest in.
$$ very hard to earn. =P


At 7/25/2007 11:31 am, Blogger yeelee said...

your response already hinted how comfortable u are in your comfort zone. if u're reluctant to stretch it, how can u expect changes in life?
i'm still keen to pick up thai but must find a beginners class, not that rojak one u attended


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