Sunday, August 20, 2006


兩個surprise party…很意外…有點受寵若驚
Or should I say, 尷尬吧

好友買了我最喜歡的chocolate cake (from Lana’s)
網友買了我最喜歡的cheesecake (from Hilton),
What more can I say?


How does it feel to finally hit the big four?
Well…I would say physically and mentally…I feel tired
But emotionally, I definitely feel touched

Many thanks to Evelyn and Yanny for organising the surprise parties.
Special thanks to my online friends Clio, Mo, Wahaha, Amanda, Tacobee and Yanny for all the gifts, cards, wishes etc.

Friends…thank you so much for a memorable 40th birthday.


At 8/21/2006 8:40 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Swooshi,

I'm the first one here to greet you, Happy Belated BirthDay! haha

By the way, when it's your birthday?

hmm....I can't use Skype to sing, but I can 'sing' here....hehe

Selamat Hari Jadi...Hari Jadi..
Happy Birthday to YOU! ^_^

Make a WiSh........ok, done? Hope your wish comes true ;)

Don't tell anyone your wish, if not it won't come true :P

haha...superstitious eh 0_o

At 8/21/2006 10:25 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey... happy belated birthday my friend :)

u disappeared for sometime from blog, busy hosting your overseas friends? how nice to finally meet one another ya?

40, could be just only half way thru the journey, if using the assumption made by PM last nite :p

so gotta recharge now and then. more things to experience, learn and grow down the road...

take care and have fun!

At 8/21/2006 3:10 pm, Blogger yeelee said...

insane and weijing
thanks for the belated greetings
it's not exactly that late lah…my b'day was y'day

after 5 days of 環島追追追
i'm so tired and sleepy now…
really struggling to keep my eyes open
i drank 蠻牛 earlier…now i'm drinking coffee
not only do i need to recharge…i need a complete overhaul!

At 8/21/2006 4:16 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

my baby,哎呀,真是辛苦你了,陪了我們5天,晚上我們回飯店睡覺時,你還在辛勤的工作,一定累壞了吧,蠻牛喝了啊,口味如何呢,還可以嗎,我想只喝一瓶應該不夠,可能要來上一打才行,下次我再帶多一些給你,這樣才夠強!

At 8/21/2006 5:04 pm, Blogger littlewa said...

妳怎麼給swooshi喝蠻牛呢!!蠻牛喝多了不是會傷肝嗎? 呵呵~~這才想起我這兒有"純天然的"靈芝精華飲"說..沒有副作用..嘿.下回有機會..再送你們用這進補..

祝 四十歲的女人 越來越成熟..越來越有味道..

沒想到四十歲 會認識這麼多台灣人吧
偶然與巧合 (chance and coincidence)..剛好是一部法國片的名子

At 8/21/2006 6:07 pm, Blogger tiffany said...

Being 40...

Am there already.

As they say, age is but a number.... being older has its merits. No way do I want to go back to my pimple-teenage years. Being happy no matter at what age is more important. ^^

Happy birthday again, old friend.

How about durian when we meet? haha!

At 8/21/2006 6:18 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy belated Birthday!!!

At 8/22/2006 2:10 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi swooshi,

sorry i missed it!
happy belated birthday!
i'm very glad to hear that u had a memorable birthday and felt encouraged. you deserve it!!! :-)

At 9/09/2006 12:46 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happyyyyyyyyyyyyy Birthday to my dearie Swoo. Thought it's so late now. May all your dreams/wishes come true; be always healthy, happy and long live, haha.

Now I feel shy whenever I call U like that as I know nothing about your birthday, hichic, Dimwit, Insane, Wahaha, why all of U did not inform me a word?


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